How to get to Hotel Philoxenia Inn, Limenas Thassos.

By car / bus
First you should get to Kavala, by your own vehicle or by KTEL buses. From Athens, the distance is about 680 km to Kavala. KTEL of Kavala, (tel. 210 5129407), have 3 daily routes ( 07.30, 14.15, 19.30 ), which start from Kifisos station. The trip lasts for 10 hours.

From Kavala you can get to Thassos by ferry boat. There are daily routes from the ports of Kavala, and Keramoti ( which is 30 km east of Kavala and has routes every 30 minutes )

See all the information about ferry boat schedules at (

By plane
The airport of Megas Alexandros, which is located 27 km east of Kavala and 5 km from Keramoti, has daily flights to Athens ,come and go, (duration 50 minutes). There are many scheduled flights to major European cities as well.
Information for flights at ( )